Test Yourself 3000 TOEFL Words with Chinese Meanings Standard Version Book III (3rd 1000 Words)
By:Angela Valentin
Published on 2019-05-21 by Independently Published
Test Yourself 3000 TOEFL Words with Chinese Meanings Standard Version is the ideal solution to make sure you get top marks in the TOEFL PBT and TOEFL IBT tests. The most challenging in the TOEFL test is that you have to familiar with a wide knowledge of sciences such as Biology, Archeology, History, Art, Environment, Social and Human science. Therefore, it is so difficult to have enough vocabulary for the specific science, especially, you may even confuse with the meaning of the word in the specialized field. This book is the best tool for improving your vocabulary over all covered areas of TOEFL Test with clearly and distinctly explained meaning. Moreover with this application, you can quickly accustom with multiple choice test, one of the most types in the TOEFL test.Product Details: * 3rd 1000+ TOEFL Words covering the most commonly tested vocabulary words * Printed on bright white smooth paper * Premium matte cover finish * Perfect for all lettering mediums * Large format 8.5| x 11.0| (215mm x 280mm) pages
This Book was ranked at 12 by Google Books for keyword TOEFL.
Book ID of Test Yourself 3000 TOEFL Words with Chinese Meanings Standard Version Book III (3rd 1000 Words)'s Books is eCSoxQEACAAJ, Book which was written byAngela Valentinhave ETAG "w4qOGOAvOII"
Book which was published by Independently Published since 2019-05-21 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9781099558153 and ISBN 10 Code is 1099558158
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Book which have "108 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under Category
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