Minggu, 22 September 2019

Humanities Alive

Humanities Alive
By:Cathy Bedson,Graeme Harris
Published on 2012 by Jacaranda

Humanities Alive Geography 10 Second Edition is specifically written for the Victorian Essential Learning Standards (VELS) -- Level 6. Features * A double-page chapter opener, centred on an Essential Question, that relates to students' experiences * Greater focus on skills development, with a double-page SkillBuilder in each chapter that provides a step-by-step approach to learning a skill * 'Thinking back' spreads that address the Thinking, Interpersonal Development and Personal Learning domains, encouraging students to reflect on their learning * A dedicated ICT activities spread for each chapter that highlights all the ICT resources in eBookPLUS * Clearer design and layout * Key terms defined on each spread * Completely revised and updated content, with many new diagrams and photos Humanities Alive Geography 10 Second Edition comes with eBookPLUS -- an electronic version of the textbook and a complementary set of targeted digital resources. Student worksheets supporting each chapter of the textbook are also available in eBookPLUS. These flexible and engaging ICT activities are available online at the JacarandaPLUS website (www.jacplus.com.au).

This Book was ranked at 23 by Google Books for keyword TOEFL.

Book ID of Humanities Alive's Books is Z5WFMAEACAAJ, Book which was written byCathy Bedson,Graeme Harrishave ETAG "6yWVI7/CmkM"

Book which was published by Jacaranda since 2012 have ISBNs, ISBN 13 Code is 9781118349427 and ISBN 10 Code is 1118349423

Reading Mode in Text Status is false and Reading Mode in Image Status is false

Book which have "133 Pages" is Printed at BOOK under Category

This Book was rated by Raters and have average rate at ""

This eBook Maturity (Adult Book) status is NOT_MATURE

Book was written in en

eBook Version Availability Status at PDF is falseand in ePub is false

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